Liouville's Theorem
One of the many amazing results about complex differentiable functions is Liouville's theorem. In real analysis, functions like \(\sin\) and \(\cos\) are differentiable everywhere and bounded. In complex analysis, the only such functions are constant functions.
Every bounded entire function must be a constant.
Suppose \(f\) is entire. Then \(f\) has a Taylor series expansion about \(0\) which converges everywhere, in particular
The coefficients can be expressed as
by Cauchy's integral formula (about zero), where \(C_r\) is a circle centred at \(0\) of radius \(r\).
Using the fact that \(f\) is uniformly bounded \(|f(z)| \leq M\), we have
Since \(f\) is entire, we can let \(r\) be arbitrarily large without effecting the validity of this formula. Thus, supposing \(a_k \neq 0\) for some \(k > 0\) yields a contradiction by choosing sufficiently small \(r\). Hence \(f(z) = a_0\), a constant function.